Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Organization Theory, Design and Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Organization Theory, Design and Change - Essay Example Societal ethics are the principles that have been laid for every member of the society to live by. It is through societal ethics, that a legal system is formed in order to guide people’s actions and how they interact with each other in the society. Professional ethics are the tenets that individuals of a particular profession must use to manage the manner at which they execute their tasks or utilize the resources within their reach. Individual ethics is the moral and personal values that have been set by a particular individual in order to guide their actions and interactions with other people. In an organization; different individuals with different professions are taken from the society in order to achieve a common goal. This is when the combination of societal, professional and individual ethics forms the basis of organizational ethics (Jones 47). Organizational ethics has it that each individual must live by his or her individual ethics, while observing the ethics of their profession and the ethics of the society at the same time. The conformance of each individual within the organization to the ethical behavior means that the collective interest of the society is safeguarded (Jones 51).

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